The Vision

Week 1 (2/28-3/8)
Friday (2/28): Leave for Richmond International Airport Newark Milan/Malpensa (overnight flight)
Saturday 3/1: Arrive in Milan, take cab to Bergamo, set up in house, rest, contact supervisors
Sunday 3/2: Visit public historic sites, churches [Maria Supervisor]
Monday 3/3: Accademia Carrara, Architecture Museum, Bell Tower
Tuesday 3/4: Day trip to Milan [Alaina Supervisor], leave 1:05 for Venice
-6: 2nights in Venice
            Carnevale di Venezia, Accademia, Guggenheim, Correr Museum, churches
            5ish leave Venice – Brescia - Bergamo
Friday 3/7: 8/9 Leave for Florence
            Uffizi, Accademia, churches, street market
   Week 2 (3/8-3/15)
Saturday 3/8: Return 9pm from Florence
Sunday 3/9: Bergamo rest and supervisor work day
Monday 3/10: Bergamo [Kendall Supervisor]
Tuesday 3/11: Milan [Alaina meeting], Pinacotecas
Thursday 3/12: work day [Kendall and Maria supervisors]
Friday 3/14: work day [alaina skype], pack

Saturday 3/15: Leave Italy

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