Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Experience

I am going to travel to Bergamo, Italy and explore the architecture of the area and surrounding areas. Bergamo was part of the Republic of Venice for about 400 years starting in the 15th century. I plan to explore the old part of the city Citta Alta. We are staying with Maria Sison's grandmother, Maria Massolo. Maria Massolo, lives within walking distance to the old churches and buildings in Citta Alta.  The Venetians built the old wall that surrounds the Citta Alta. I would like to explore the architecture and take pictures using what I have learned in photography. I plan to ask locals about the architecture and explore and record the history of different buildings. We will also take overnight trips to places such as Venice itself. I will compare this architecture to the architecture of Bergamo, because much of Bergamo’s architecture is Venetian. The experience is unique in that we have the opportunity to stay with someone who lives in the area year-round. Maria’s grandmother will also be a valuable resource for information and should be able to introduce us to people who are knowledgeable about the area. I am more interested in the history of the buildings then the specific architectural aspects. I do not seek as much to know how exactly each building is made, but the story behind each structure.
The opportunity to stay with a local person is unique because we will be living directly in a town that is rich with old and medieval architecture. It will be much different from a regular trip because Maria’s grandmother is local and knows the area and the people. We will not be so much tourists as we will have more of an immersion into local life. I would like to study this architecture some beforehand, then observe and learn more about it as I am there. I would also like to photograph the architecture and relate the architecture to the history of the town. I want to gain a first hand knowledge of the area and to really understand how the town (as well as surrounding areas) came to look the way they do.
I will bring my digital SLR camera and I will record what I learn and experience on this blog. I will keep a journal with meme to take notes on our travels. I will update the blog with pictures and new information when in Bergamo because we have definite internet access there. I am very excited about this experience and I look forward to gaining knowledge and sharing what I have learned.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Journey

As someone who is interested in both the study and the creation side of art, Italy is the perfect place to see the merging of a rich historical background with the contemporary art scene. Italy has been a center for the arts throughout the Roman Empire, the Renaissance, and the Baroque period, and its museums also host iconic pieces from Ancient Greece. The opportunity to see these works in person is valuable from both an art historian’s and an artist’s perspective. I have found that studying art history, becoming familiar with the progression of art and the role it has had in societies since ancient times, gives me a new perspective on the purpose of contemporary art. Placing artists today within this historical context leads to a broader understanding of the human need to create, where creators are not only expressing themselves but are also continuing a deeply rooted tradition.
            While in Italy, I hope to learn about art from specifically the Roman Empire, the Renaissance, and the Baroque periods and experience it first-hand through museums, churches, and architecture. I will also visit galleries and studios to see work from modern Italian artists. I want to study the relationship between “ancient” and contemporary art and understand how an artist reconciles the celebrated and sometimes overshadowing achievements of the past with the need to create original work. I will be keeping a sketchbook to record notes and drawings of the places we visit, and I will use these as inspiration for my own pieces.
            By the end of X-Term, I hope to have a sketchbook full of my experiences, several pieces (or at least the beginnings of them) inspired by my time in Italy, and a joint blog with Maria and Kendall with journal entries and photos of where we’ve been.