Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Dream

My goal is to explore Italy’s history and culture and reconnect with my heritage – to understand what it means to be an Italian. I intend to develop my own Italian identity by enriching my knowledge of its past and present and connecting it with my other interests, such as literature, music, and linguistics. With a foundation in the country’s history and an understanding of the present society, including politics, current events, traditions, art, popular culture, and global relevance, I would see the landmarks of my childhood through newly enlightened eyes and appreciate their significance. I want to be an informed and socially aware Italian who can discuss both historic and current events with an equal level of confidence and sophistication as someone who has grown up in Italy. Though I understand I can't make up for 17 years in 2 weeks, I think that this project will initiate my lifelong development as an Italian alongside my growth as an American.

I've divided my project into 3 main parts: literature, history, and culture. Mr. Guerra, a retired historian, has agreed to supervise me and review my work.

I’d start by reading staples of Italian literature such as The Inferno, I Promessi Sposi, and Il Canzoniere before the trip, journaling my responses and analyses, researching their global influence, and discussing the reading with my supervisor. With these works, I plan to read the original italian alongside the english translation and create my own translation of certain passages based on my interpretations of the text and personal connotations of various words.

I will be using various history textbooks, primary sources in Latin and Italian – including texts by Julius Caesar and renaissance era compositions – and modern day Italian journals and news to develop a broad view of Italy’s story, supplemented by trips to historical landmarks and museums.

I plan to visit many art galleries and landmarks throughout the trip, as well as various performances and traditional events. These include the Carnevale di Venezia, Opera Donizettiano, Milan Fashion Week, and local concerts.

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