Sunday, March 9, 2014

Basilica di San Marco

We have been traveling a ton recently so we will have to take some time to update everyone on what we have been doing! First we went to Venice so I will talk a little bit about that. Venice is a very unique city in that it is accessible not by cars, but by boats in canals, and by foot. Venice also has a very interesting mix of architectural styles. One place this can be seen very clearly is in the Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's Basilica). Below is a picture I took from right in front of the Basilica.
Below is a picture that has more of a full view of the Basilica:
The Basilica has a large number of different styles mixed in and represents what came to be known as Venetian Gothic architecture. This style of architecture was a result of the trade relations that Venice developed with the East. Byzantine domes were featured as well as Islamic minarets. Gothic pointed arches were also mixed into this type of architecture. On the Basilica di San Marco mosaics can be seen. These mosaics are in the Byzantine style. Onion-shaped cupolas can be seen on top of the Byzantine domes. The cupolas are in a style borrowed from Islamic art. In the picture that is closer up it is easier to see that there are both pointed gothic arches and rounded Roman arches. The Basilica di San Marco is a great example of the blending of architectural styles that is typical in Venice.

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